Your Options
Help with finding a home
It’s a good idea to be flexible and consider all your housing options, even if you think they might not be for you.
RBH and Housing Association homes
You can search for RBH and Housing Association homes on the Council’s Rochdale Housing Solutions website. The more flexible you are in the area and type of home you would like to consider the quicker you may find your ideal home. Generally, the more urgent your need to move, the higher your priority and the better chance of a home. You also get increased priority if you are a working household or have a local connection.
Some housing is reserved for people over a certain age, so check the advertisement details
Mutual Exchange
Need a bigger home? Need a smaller home? For more information please visit our Exchange Locata page.
Supported Housing Service - Independent living
RBH has various independent living accommodation throughout the borough. RBH has various independent living and extra care accommodation throughout the borough.
For more information visit our Supported Housing Service page.
Homeless prevention and Advice
Further information on Homeless Prevention and Advice is available from Rochdale Council
Other Housing Associations
There are a variety of other Housing Associations with different kinds of homes in various locations around the borough. You can apply directly to them, or you can be put forward by Rochdale Housing Solutions to some of the available homes they have. This can increase your chances of being rehoused.
Low cost home ownership
Mortgages can be hard to come by, making a new home seem out of reach. However,there’s lots of help to get you into low cost home ownership.
Employment & Training
Being in employment widens your housing options and the kind of accommodation that is available to you. There are a number of agencies that can provide training and advice to help you secure employment.
For more information, please visit Work and Skills Support | RBH
Rent from a Private landlord
Rochdale has a varied private rented sector which offers another option for rehousing. Private landlords are registered under an accreditation scheme with RBC.
Frequently asked questions